About Heather.....

I am a wife to Blue and a mommy to Campbell and Piper. I love Jesus and I am humbled and thankful for the life He has blessed me with.

My team

My team

Piper Claire

Piper Claire

Campbell Brooke

Campbell Brooke

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Deal Breaker

The girls got to spend the weekend at Nana and Poppy's a couple weeks ago while Blue and I went away on an anniversary get-away for a couple nights. When it was time for the girls to come home my mom was sweet enough to meet my half way so that I did not have to drive all the way to their house to get them. Once we met, we did a little shopping (I mean, why wouldn't we??). Before we knew it it was time for dinner and our bellies were reminding us. We needed to get back on the road so we decided to just grab something really quick at McDonalds because we had some coupons. As soon as we pulled in the parking lot Piper started......" I wanna pway on the pway pawace!". My response was always the same "No honey, we don't have time to play on the play palace. We have to get back on the road to get home." She was not a fan of my response. We sat down and ate like we were on a mission, the girls decided they needed to go to the bathroom at the same time (sometimes I think they conspire against me), and then I started getting our stuff together to get back on the road. We were gettin' it all knocked out quick. As we start walking towards the door to leave Piper started again...."I wanna pway on the pway pawace." I responded the same...."No, Piper. We are going home." She gives me THAT look that only foreshadows what is yet to come and starts defiantly walking towards the play palace.


Now, there were not many people at all in McDonalds at the time. But in the middle of the restaurant there was a woman sitting by herself at a table. Once again, Piper turned around and gave me that "I'm-only-3-but-right-now-I-think-I'm-your-master" look and boldly said "I wanna pway in the pway pawace!" So, as I'm standing near the door holding more stuff than what should have justifiably been brought in to McDonalds, I calmly said "Alright, well see if one of these sweet people in here can bring you home because Nana, Campbell and I are leaving". Now don't judge me, I would never leave her. But as I was turning to do my fake exit walk to the door, the lady that was sitting by herself at the table speaks up...." I will take you home with me!" She totally messed up my plan. I look at Piper and she has a stubborn, yet curious, look on her face as she is looking at this woman. She takes a few steps towards her. The woman sweetly smiles at her and continues...."I will take you home with me and we will have LOTS of fun. I have a 4 year old granddaughter and she would love to play with you." Piper pauses. She then softens the stubborn look and then just gets curious. She walks right up to the woman, stops in front of her, looks her in the eye with an inquisitive look and asked the question that could seal the deal......

"You got a dog????"

Really?!?!?! To my favor, she did not have a dog. So at that point, Piper graciously walked toward me and we headed home. Isn't it funny how in life we can get a tunnel vision and do the same thing? We look at our current situation and think we know what is best. Based on the knowledge we have of the situation, we think we know what we need and we believe that we should control everything to make sure things happen "the way they should". If only we could remember that we do not know the big picture. We do not know what is best. If only we could trust the Father and believe that He already has the best for us planned. If only we could have the courage to trust Him with the details.