About Heather.....

I am a wife to Blue and a mommy to Campbell and Piper. I love Jesus and I am humbled and thankful for the life He has blessed me with.

My team

My team

Piper Claire

Piper Claire

Campbell Brooke

Campbell Brooke

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Cherish and Sift

She turns 6 on August 5th. Six. Years. Old. I have absolutely no idea what happened........

If I am being real, I remember having so many of those days when Campbell was 2 and 3 when I would say things like, "This day is never going to end", or I would sneak in the bathroom and just lock myself in for about 2 or 3 minutes just so that I could regain sanity. On those days time felt as if it was standing still.  Once Piper was born days passed by particularly fast. Moments were busier, my attention was divided, and everything got even louder.
Today I was scrolling through previous year's posts on my Facebook page. I am an epic failure at even the notion of keeping up a baby book, so I have always used Facebook as a way of journaling moments and conversations with my girls. As I was reading through them I was reminded how quickly time passes.
The fact is, I don't remember the things that happened that caused me to lock myself in the bathroom, or the emotional breakdowns that made me feel like a failure as a mother. But as I was looking through those moments on Facebook, I DO remember the joy, the laughter, and the milestones. I remember those times that Campbell stopped me in my tracks with her humor and her flare when she was barely even talking. Now she is almost 6. Where has the time gone? Each picture that I looked at, and every conversation I read, reminded me to cherish the moment and sift out my crazy.

Here are a few of the conversations from years past.....
March 9, 2013

Blue: Mommy, look! Campbell ate all of her chicken nuggets, all of her green beans, and half of her broccoli casserole! Didn't she do good??
Me: Wow, Campbell! You DID do good! I am so proud of you!
Campbell: Thanks. I couldn't have done it without Daddy.
May 22, 2013

Campbell had to eat leftovers for lunch today....

Campbell: Why are we eating this again?
Me: Because God gave it to us and we are going to eat it.
Campbell: But didn't God give us some other stuff?
July 17, 2013

Campbell got sick (aka - threw up) on herself in the car on the way home from VBS. I felt helpless because we were driving and less than 5 minutes from home....

Me: I am so sorry, honey.....I am going as quick as I can. I am so sorry you are sick!
Campbell: (crying)
Me: Oh sweetie, I am so sorry!
Campbell: Mommy......(sniff, cry, sniff)......
Me: Yes, baby??
Campbell: (holds up her arm and holds out her little finger)......(sniff, cry, sniff).....will you paint this fingernail again because all of the sparklies have come off of it.....(cry, cry, cry)...
July 29, 2013

During a popcorn snack, while Piper napped, I attempted conversation....

Me: So what is your favorite thing we have done today?
Campbell: (looks at me and chews)
Me: So are you excited about your birthday?
Campbell: (looks at me and chews)
Me: What flavor cake do you want?
Campbell: (looks at me and chews)
Me: (I silently chew)
Campbell: Mommy, do you know why I'm not answering you?
Me: Yes.
Campbell: Because I want to eat.
August 20, 2013

Me: If I see either of you girls misbehave, or disobey the rules, you are both going to your rooms.
 (I step in the other room)
Campbell: (yelling) Mommy, did you see us???
October 2, 2013

I was laying Piper down for a nap and Campbell comes running in the room with a bunny/blanket that Piper likes to snuggle with...

Campbell: Wait!.......Piper, here you go....
Me: Piper, tell Campbell thank you.
Piper: Tank-ooo, Cambull.
Campbell: (as she walks away) Your welcome......just doin' my job.
November 12, 2013

While I was changing Piper's diaper she was pretty upset and Campbell came running over to comfort her....

Campbell: Piper, you want a hug?
Piper: No
Campbell: You want a kiss?
Piper: No
Campbell: You want me to rub your belly?
Piper: No
Campbell: Want me to play the drums?
Piper, Yes. Drums.

Piper pulls up her shirt and Campbell plays the drums on her belly.
From the ages of 2 to 4 Campbell could fall asleep anywhere and anyhow. She usually preferred to be in princess attire and would get out of bed to dress accordingly. Here are some of my favorites......

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