About Heather.....

I am a wife to Blue and a mommy to Campbell and Piper. I love Jesus and I am humbled and thankful for the life He has blessed me with.

My team

My team

Piper Claire

Piper Claire

Campbell Brooke

Campbell Brooke

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Unlock the Bathroom Door


That pretty, white flakey goodness that falls from the heavens. It's beautiful, isn't it?? When Blue and I lived in SC we rarely were able to take part in the "snow day" fun because we very rarely SAW the white fluff. So when we moved to this part of NC we were pretty excited at the thought of getting to see some snow. We were even more excited about the idea of seeing our girls play in it. We KNEW they would love it. As we waved goodbye to January we started to believe that we just weren't going to see it this year..........to say we were disappointed would be the understatement of the year.

But then it happened. The weatherman said it was coming.

I loaded up the kitchen like I was preparing for the Apocalypse. We went to bed on a Monday night and woke up to the beautiful and white glaring snow on the ground on Tuesday. You better believe we played in it. We were out having snowball fights, sledding, and building a snowman by 10 am. We were all four in a state of winter bliss. Seriously.........look at the pure joy...........

Now we are fully in to week 2 of no school. We have more snow on the ground and more that is coming tomorrow AND the next day. If I'm being real, this is my current emotion............

Don't get me wrong, I know it is still a gift. It is absolutely gorgeous, my girls think its the best thing ever, we got what we have been hoping for...........blah, blah, blah. But ya'll..........I'm about to go crazy. Did ya'll read what I wrote earlier?? "Fully in to week 2 of no school"?? I have moved passed the phase of  "let's put on our snow boots" and am officially putting a temporary wave on the ipad restriction rule. In fact, I'm just hoping it does its job when I am wanting to sneak into the bathroom for 5 minutes of alone time. Thank you, Jesus, for Temple Run. I am clinging to the hope that school will be back in session next week. We NEED school. Yes, my girls scholastic achievements matter and their educational progression is a priority. Sure. But right now............well, right now I just want to sit on the couch with a cup of coffee and watch the 10 o'clock hour of the Today Show uninterrupted. Call it lazy. Call it selfish. Whatever, man. Haters gonna hate. I love my girls more than I love my own life. My brush with a mental collapse is not in a response to anything they have done wrong. They are behaving like a 3 and 5 year old should at this point. My cray-cray attitude is all my own sin and side effects of cabin fever. I know this.

So mama bears out there..............we can do this. We are warriors. We can face this battle of  "Mom vs. Bored Child" and come out on top. I know we have all probably fallen into survival mode..........I know I have. But now is when we need to dig deep. We need to reach into that space where we hide a back-up of "mommy energy". In cyber fashion, let's all join hands to walk to that battle line and punch boredom in the face. Let us agree to not blame our children for our weary attitudes........it's not their fault the school buses can't crank and our home acquired the cabin fever virus. Now it's time for us to take a deep breath, unlock the bathroom door, and come out armed for battle. And by-golly, let's have some FUN.

*Dear Northerners out there,

I know this "situation" we have down here is probably laughable to ya'll. Ya'll can't open your front door because of the snow. You have probably crashed Pinterest looking for activities to entertain your kids with. But please know, this southern struggle is still real. I will pray for rays of sunshine in your neck of the woods too.

One Tired, Southern Mommy

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