About Heather.....

I am a wife to Blue and a mommy to Campbell and Piper. I love Jesus and I am humbled and thankful for the life He has blessed me with.

My team

My team

Piper Claire

Piper Claire

Campbell Brooke

Campbell Brooke

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Of Infinite Worth

One of the great things about all of this winter weather we've had is that it's made us stop in our tracks and spend uninterrupted time together. Praise Jesus. We have needed some good quality time. The other morning the four of us were playing and cuddling when this interaction took place....

Daddy: Campbell, let me give you a kiss!
Campbell: NEVER! ;)
Daddy: I'm your Daddy and I said to let me give you a kiss!
Campbell: You have to give me some money!
Daddy: Campbell Brooke, there is not enough money in the whole world to pay for one of your kisses.
Campbell: I'll take two dollars!!

 At least now we know she doesn't think the tooth fairy is ripping her off. Shew. One fun, little innocent moment took my mommy brain to a different place. I want her to know her worth. I want she and Piper to know they are of infinite value. I made a lot of mistakes in my younger years. Mistakes that I received painful consequences and heartache from. I want my girls to stand firm and confident in their worth and value so that they never feel that same heartache. More importantly, I want them to stand firm and secure in who the Lord has created them to be so they can face troubled times with confidence and boldness. I want them to choose joy when the world tells them to choose bitterness.

So what can I do as their mommy to help them firmly plant their feet in this knowledge? Well, since you asked.....

1) Encourage and Affirm - I want to encourage them in what MATTERS. Yes, I think my girls are gorgeous and I always will. But I want them to know that my favorite qualities are not their golden locks or their blue eyes. I love their joy and their kindness. I love seeing them put their friends before themselves and being a blessing to others. I want to encourage them to not be swayed by what their peers are choosing to do, or by what society tells them is "cool". They are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139) and were created for BIG things. I want to encourage them to seek the Lord and find their purpose in His plan for their life

2) Model It - This is the true test of laying my own insecurities and my own selfish sins at the feet of Jesus. I want to model a woman who treats others, and responds to them, in a way that reflects Christ. I want them to see me pursue the Lord and be in His word. I want to guard my words and keep them from hearing me say negative things about my body. They need to know that the size of my jeans is not what reflects my beauty. But first, I need to make sure I always BELIEVE that. I want them to see me respond to trials and hardships with faith and trust.........not with my inclined nature of fear and worry. I know they WATCH me. They STUDY me. I choose to model what I want them to inherit.

3) Prayer - I spend a lot of time praying for my daughter's physical protection. I need to spend MORE time praying for their spiritual well-being. I need to pray for the health of their heart and mind, that they choose to enter into a relationship with their Heavenly Father. I pray for growth and maturity in a relationship with the Lord, that they will pursue Him with a passion. This spiritual health is what will give them the strength and discipline to resist the lies the world feeds them. Lies about their worth and deceptions about what reflects true beauty. I need to pray that they always find their security in the arms of Christ.

"I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:14

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