About Heather.....

I am a wife to Blue and a mommy to Campbell and Piper. I love Jesus and I am humbled and thankful for the life He has blessed me with.

My team

My team

Piper Claire

Piper Claire

Campbell Brooke

Campbell Brooke

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Better Than My Daydreams

Today marks a very special day.

April 21, 1980 is the day Jeremy Blue Bryan was born. In my book, this day is a very significant day in history because the birth of this incredible man was paving the way for many lives to be touched, for the kingdom of God to be furthered, and for a girl named Heather to very happily say "I do".

When I was a little girl I would daydream about one day wearing a pretty, white wedding dress. To be honest, I wasn't in the least bit concerned with the groom.........in fact, I don't even know if that role even played into my daydream. As I got older, I realized this aspect of the scene was quite essential. This realization led me to begin wondering what he would be like. If I'm being real, in high school that really boiled down to me being curious about what he would look like and whether or not I would have a quirky last name. As the years progressed to college,  I eventually gained a pinch of maturity which brought with it the truth that his looks were not nearly as important as his heart. I began to daydream of walking down the aisle to my best friend and making a promise to someone who made me a better person.

It's funny how the Lord takes our daydreams and reveals to us that our imaginations can not even begin to compare to the beautiful plans He has predestined for us. Before I met Blue, I thought I knew what I needed.....I thought I knew what I wanted.......but the Lord showed me there was so much I didn't know. He showed me this by placing a strong, sarcastic, and genuine man named Blue Bryan in my path. While we did not exactly start off on the best foot, the Lord still had a plan for us.
A very close friendship was eventually formed, which blossomed into a dating relationship, which then blossomed into a marriage. Today, I am humbled and exceedingly thankful to wrap my arms around my precious family of four.......a reality that my daydreams could have never even comprehended.

There are many qualities about him that are not hard to notice immediately...............his good looks, his honesty, and his care and concern for other people. It's equally hard to miss how he carries himself in such an easy-going and personable manner. Quite frankly, the list of qualities that one might notice right away could go on for days. But there are also some qualities that those who have been blessed to have a friendship with him can all agree on. He is genuine. He is confident, yet humble at the same time. He is a strong leader and is easy to trust. There are also qualities about him that only I get to see..........qualities that bless me beyond measure. He sincerely seeks to love me like Christ loves the church. He is easy to submit to. He leads me gently, graciously, and without judgement. He knows that being a father is a gift and he loves our daughters actively with every ounce of his being. He is wise and strong.............but he is also playful, witty and far from being too proud to wear a tiara and fingernail polish if it will make his girls smile.

Blue has taught me a lot about myself. He has taught me to be confident in how the Lord has gifted me and to be bold in how He leads me to serve Him. He has helped me to like who I am and to be patient with myself. Most importantly, having Blue as my husband has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of God's goodness. Through Blue, I have been able to see a picture of God's grace and perfect timing in my life. Through the Lord's sovereignty I met my husband. The Lord revealed to me that His ways are beyond anything I could ever imagine on my own. I never knew what I needed before I met Blue. Thankfully, my gracious Lord did. Today, I am in awe of His goodness in my life as I celebrate my amazing husband. Being his wife is a constant reminder that He is beyond worthy of being trusted and that His plan is infinitely better than any of my daydreams.

Today marks a very special day.

Happy birthday, Blue. I love you more than I love my own life.

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