About Heather.....

I am a wife to Blue and a mommy to Campbell and Piper. I love Jesus and I am humbled and thankful for the life He has blessed me with.

My team

My team

Piper Claire

Piper Claire

Campbell Brooke

Campbell Brooke

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Not a Typical Tuesday

 It started like any other Tuesday. I know for a fact it was a Tuesday because that was the day that Blue had staff meetings, which meant we did not talk to each other until around 5 pm.

We were living in a second floor, two-bedroom apartment at the time and the limited space made for interesting days with a 2 year old and 4 year old. It is understandable that the fact they shared a room, and their age, led to some dramatic scenarios (a.k.a. temper tantrums). Blue and I had exhausted all efforts when it comes to a successful mode of discipline. The only strategy that seemed to be effective for our mischievous and strong-will girls was isolation. However, because time-out in their room resulted in them pulling a Shawshank Redemption and busting out of their chambers, we had to turn the door knob so that we could lock them in. Don't judge.....it had to be done.....we discipline them because we love them. If we did not lock the door it was nothing but a good ol' game of peek-a-boo and ineffective discipline is a waste of time. Anyway, Campbell and I are talking in their room while I'm folding laundry when I hear the door behind me shut.......and then click.

She had locked us in.

I started off politely asking...."Piper, honey.....will you let Mommy out??" This led to no response. My gentle request soon led to a firm demand....."Piper..........Let. Us. Out." I apparently do not intimidate her. I began to panic because my phone was in the living room and it was a Tuesday......Blue wouldn't suspect a thing. Poor Campbell was my only companion to process my panic....

Me: Oh. my. word........we can't get out of here. Piper is lose in the apartment. What if she opens the door and leaves???
Campbell: Hmm..........oh no. Well, do you want to play Barbies on my bed while we wait??
Me: Campbell, don't you understand?? We. can't. get. out.
Campbell: I'm just saying we could play while we wait.

At this point I tried bribery......"Piper, honey, if you let Mommy out I will give you a sucker!" I could hear her little feet running around the apartment. The only time she paused was when she came to play with my fingers that were poking out from under the door, pleading for freedom. My bribes quickly turned to threats....."Piper, if you don't open this door you will be in LOTS of trouble!! Open it now!" These threats continued until the point I was shocked to hear her little feet run to the other side of the door and yell, "BE QUITE!!" Apparently, the words I always used when she was screaming at me in time-out just bit me in the butt.

I am not sure how much time had passed at this point, but I knew that Campbell and I were not making it out of there any time soon. Piper was nothing but a walking tornado and a flight risk being left alone in that apartment. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I looked out the window and saw a maintenance man walking through the parking lot, so I quickly slid it open and sat in the frame like Juliet.......

Me: (clearing my voice) Excuse me, sir???
Poor, Innocent Man: (looks around confused)
Me: (forget it, I'm yelling) Excuse me!!! Sir!!
Poor, Innocent Man: (finally spots me and looks at me like I'm crazy)
Me: Yes, hello! Well, you see......its funny (awkward laugh)......my 2 year old has locked me and my 4 year old in the bedroom...(another awkward laugh)
Poor, Innocent Man: (not laughing, just continuing to look at me like I'm crazy)
Me: I was wondering if you could call my husband and let him know that we can not get out??? He won't answer on the first ring because he is in a meeting, so you will need to call him twice......let me give you his number....his name is Blue.....

Long story short(er)........Piper eventually opened the door because she thought she was missing out on fun and Blue really enjoyed getting the phone call. I soon learned our story had spread, and I'm pretty sure the maintenance man still talks about the crazy lady in the window who can't control her kids.

Here is my point......

In those moments when you feel like you have absolutely no control..........you are right. When you feel like you are hanging on by a thread and are two seconds away from checking into a rubber-room......it's time to surrender. In the Lord's perfect grace and sweet mercy, He blesses us by giving us moments that keep us humble and dependent on Him. When we seek control we find chaos, and when we demand our own ways, instead of His, we find confusion. Through His goodness, He gives us moments of desperation to rescue us from the chaos and confusion. Once we surrender, we will find freedom.

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