About Heather.....

I am a wife to Blue and a mommy to Campbell and Piper. I love Jesus and I am humbled and thankful for the life He has blessed me with.

My team

My team

Piper Claire

Piper Claire

Campbell Brooke

Campbell Brooke

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Into the Sunset

#1 - Today was going to be the day I restarted an exercise routine. However, I woke up and saw that it was raining.


#2 - At the beginning of the month I started the Whole30 Program (clean eating on steroids). I made it to day 14 and realized my name is not Barefoot Contessa for a reason.......momma ain't got time for all that choppin'.

I am currently drinking a cup of coffee with my Whole30-off-limits creamer.

#3 - I recently decided that I have to go to bed earlier in order to be more efficient with my tomorrow. I remembered that goal as I was up late last night watching a DVR'd episode of The Voice.

I'm still blaming The Voice for the coffee I'm currently drinking.

#4 - I often set my mind to being better about phoning friends that I rarely get to see or talk to. I miss them and I want them to know they matter to me.

I am also often reminded that I am terrible at managing my time for phone calls.

#5 - After Campbell was born I was determined to be at my pre-pregnancy weight before her first birthday (at the latest).

She turns six years old in August............let's just say I'm not there yet. And yes, I'm aware of #1 and #2.

My intentions are always good, but in so many cases I really struggle with the follow-through. Is anybody else out there in the same boat? To make myself feel better, I am just going to tell myself that anyone actually reading this is currently nodding your head up and down, saying "amen". It's possible that I work harder at justifying my reasons for "redirecting" my ambitions than I do at keeping them. For those of you superhero's reading this who laugh in the face of excuses.........put your cape away and settle down, Yes, I am fully aware that my failed attempts at goals and ambitions are a reflection of my own choices. But the joke is on you............I am making a new choice......

I am accepting grace.

I am one of those girls that will beat myself up when I fall short. While I struggle to follow-through with many of my goals, I struggle even more at accepting that I failed. The fact is, I'm not perfect and I never will be. I strive to live a life that honors the Lord, however, I know that I will never be without blemish or shortcoming. I want to please Him in the way I respond to my failures. While I must daily make the choice of striving to emulate His perfection, I must also daily choose to accept His grace in the midst of my inevitable imperfections. Failure brings conviction, conviction brings change, and change refines us to be made more like Him through the work of the Holy Spirit. While change without action is like a ship with no sails, I am encouraged to know that His grace gives me the strength I need to sail into the sunset.

Thank you, Jesus, for never being in short supply of that sweet, amazing grace. 

"But he said to me,"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ's power may rest on me."" (2 Corinthians 12:9)

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